October 22, 2024

McAfee’s wife published his suicide note

The widow of the creator of the popular McAfee antivirus, John McAfee, who was found dead in a Spanish prison, published her husband’s alleged suicide note on Twitter. She expressed doubts that it was really written by her husband.

“The handwriting is suspicious, and I doubt the authenticity of the note. It doesn’t look like something that was written by a person deprived of hope and thinking about killing himself. It just looks like one of John’s tweets, ” the woman wrote. She added that, according to the investigation, the piece of paper was in the pocket of the deceased — but there are no signs on the scanned version that it was folded.

The note is a piece of paper, the text on which begins with the phrase “I am a phantom parasite”. Many of the words in it are blurred, there is the phrase “I want to control my future, which does not exist”.

Earlier it was reported that forensic experts named the cause of death of John McAfee. The autopsy confirmed that the man committed suicide. McAfee’s widow has already demanded a second independent autopsy. She insists that her husband was not suicidal and shortly before his death talked to her about plans for further litigation in the case of his extradition to the United States.